Sunday, December 9, 2012

OTKing with Utopia is FUN!!!!!

Well, I was looking at decklists on shriek when I came upon a weird deck named Sacred Zexal Weapons.

Basically, the deck revolves around Sacred's (I refuse to call it Constellar) ability to churn out rank 4s and rank5s continuously. With cards like Ghost Ship, Flamedance Tenki. Photon Slasher, Instant Fusion and Summon Priest, the task of OTKing with Utopia becomes easier.

When I modified the deck a bit(stress on "a bit", I just put in TraGorz and Honest because I don't like setting traps) looks like this.

Sacred Algiedi x2
Sacred Pollux x3
Sacred Kaust x3
Ghost Ship x3
Photon Slasher x2
Summon Priest x1
Estelle Drone x3
Trag x2
ZW- Lightning Blade x2
ZW- Tornado bringer x2
ZW-Phoenix Bow
ZW - Unicorn Spear
ZW- Ultimate Shield

Flame Dance Tenki  x3
Instant Fusion x3

I don't really like traps in my fun decks

x3 Fusion Monsters( level 4 and 5)
Pleiades x2
Utopia x3
Utopia Ray x2
Lion Arms(depends on how many you like)
Gaia Dragoon
Rank 4s and 5s (amount depends on how many Lion Arms you want, although Volcasaurus is kind of a must have)

The goal of the deck is to summon Utopia and Lion Arms in one turn. Lion Arms searches for whatever weapon Utopia needs(usually Lightning Blade or Tornado Bringer, since they equip from the hand). If the two attacks Lion Arms gives you go through, it's usually an OTK.

I haven;t tested the deck that much yet, but based on what I have done so far, only problems I came upon are Kristyas, Windups, Verz Ophion(cause I can't Lion Arms with him around, unless I somehow get two Estelles on the field) and drawing a handful of Weapons.

Some cards I'm thinking of putting in are Breakthrough Skill(because I'm in love with the card), some Traps, and another priest.

TL:DR? Utopia can shit on everything now.

FInal Words: Dustons are cute. Nuff Said.

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